Having graduated in 2013 as an IT specialist majoring in Cybersecurity, I started my professional career as an individual entrepreneur specializing in web solutions for businesses. Due to successful project deliveries, I found it necessary to build a team of over 45 remote specialists, including programmers, designers, DevOps, and project managers, to handle different projects.
Currently, I offer my services as a CTO on demand for projects that require a jump-start or require a check-up to ensure everything is working as planned within the IT department. Depending on the project's requirements, I can join as a full-time team member, bringing along the entire team for development, but we only take on projects that we can handle and deliver to satisfaction.
I am open to a dialogue where we can discuss the terms and conditions of any future projects.
After I get my hands on the project, you will get:
You should understand all the aspects of the project to make it feasible and long-lasting.
The IT team should know exactly where to start and all milestones along the way. It is like step-by-step guide.
First things first. After launching MVP, the functionality grows as well as we track the results and do the bug fixes.
After the project running, it is essential to keep it secure and functional. None the less, all the functions should be up-to-date.
Over 277 projects launched since 2013:
RFBR grant Scientific project No. 19-37-51028 "Creation, research, implementation of methods and technologies of machine learning to accompany individual educational trajectories based on the analysis of the digital footprint of students"
RFBR grant Scientific project No. 19-010-00975 "Development of methodological foundations and tools for the transition to financing regional investment projects of public-private partnership in the formation of a digital economy"
• Analyzing over 15mln results of the current and former students to propose individual educational paths
• 2 scientific publications
Development and launch of a new Investment Portal of the Leningrad Region with AI features for smart suggested project analysis
• Negotiating and preparing a commercial offer to be selected as a contractor among 3 other competitors
• Organization of a development team to reduce the project implementation time from 6 months to 3 months
Development and implementation of the program "Management based on Big Data: Chief Data Officer"
• Elaboration of the training process for 260 managers and CDO-managers
• Gathering a team of 15 people from 7 regions of the Russian Federation and compiling a 6-day intensive
• Preparing the system to generate 260 digital footprint files of participants
Development of an additional professional advanced training program "Network and system administration"
• Ural State Radio Engineering College named after AS Popov (Yekaterinburg, Russia). Organization of the workflow for compiling, conducting, testing the training program (76 hours) and subsequent certification (56 students)
• State professional educational institution of the Moscow region "Krasnogorsk College" (Krasnogorsk, Russia). Organization of the workflow for compiling, conducting, testing the training program (72 hours) and subsequent certification (104 students)
Based on a launched AI portal, development of an online promotion strategy for the leader of preschool education in France ("People and baby") to enter the Russian market
• Comprehensive analysis of 25 direct and indirect competitors to form a promotion strategy
• Negotiations between company representatives in Russia, France and China, presentation of our solution and, based on the results, signing of an annual contract
• Providing more than 15,000 unique relevant users to company resources throughout the year
Launch of the educational project “Look. Learn. Speak.” with AI features as text to speech, aimed at supporting the study of Russian language and Russian culture by foreign citizens.
• Collection of conceptual and technical requirements from representatives of 6 participating countries
• Testing 17 hypotheses and subsequent implementation of the educational platform
• Platform supports over 3000 students
Development of a high-load web service for calculating technical indicators for drilling rigs in the oil and gas industry based on predictability of Big Data analysis.
• Organization of a team of 12 people
• Implementation of a project from an idea to the MVP stage for a foreign oil company in 6 months
2020–2021 - eCornell University (USA). Completion of the six-month course "Executive Leadership"
2013–2019 - Tyumen State University. Postgraduate student in the direction 05.13.18 Mathematics modeling, numerical methods and software packages. Graduated with the presentation of the dissertation text
2008–2013 Tyumen State University. Specialty: Computer security (specialist). (average score 5.0)
• 11.2019 - Program Manager from the Russian side of the international project "Impact Bridge 2019-2020" Russia-USA. Promotion of the program in 5 cities of the Russian Federation for representatives of SMEs (more than 600 participants)
• 10.2019 – participant of the Russian-Chinese youth business incubator with the neural network platform project (Guangzhou, China).
• 03.2018 - representative as a jury from Tyumen State University at the International IT contest among high school students in Vietnam (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
• 11.2017 – winner of the “Seeds for the Future” program (Huawei) for an internship at Huawei University (Shenzhen, China) (ICT in business)
• 10.2017 – the head of international English section "IT and Entrepreneurship" for 250 people at the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students (Sochi, Russia)
• 05.2017 - 06.2017 – the winner (17 people per place) of the exchange program between Russia and the United States “Russian Business Leaders”. 5-week internship at the IT company "Projekt202" (Austin, USA)
• 03.2017 - Delegate from the Russian Federation at the Congress of Representatives of the Black Sea Union countries (Istanbul, Turkey) Delivered a speech "The role and impact of ICT for small businesses" - prepared an overview of actively developing Russian IT companies and technologies used
• 09.2015 - 05.2016 – the winner of the President of the Russian Federation scholarship for a 2-semester internship at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore